Brit Mono Protein beef 400g wet dog food Brit Mono Protein Beef wet dog food is a complete food based on beef with the addition of rice. The high meat content and low-processed ingredients guarantee excellent taste and distinctive aroma. The food does not contain gluten, soy and GMO. Composition: 78% beef (meat, lungs, liver, hearts, stomachs and forestomachs), beef broth 21%, minerals 1%. Analysis : crude protein 10.0%, fat content 7.0%, crude ash 3.0%, moisture 80.0%, crude fiber 0.3%. Accessories: vitamin D3 (E671) 250 IU, vitamin E (3a700) 100 mg, zinc (3b606) 15 mg, iron (E1) 10 mg, manganese (E5) 3 mg, iodine (3b201) 0.75 mg, copper (E4) 0.5 mg, biotin (3a880) 0.2 mg.